Yes, both Gellan Gum and Curdlan Gum are considered vegan.

These gums are derived from plant-based sources, specifically maize, and are produced through a fermentation process. This means that they do not contain any animal-derived ingredients or by-products, making them suitable for inclusion in vegan diets and products.

The vegan status of these gums aligns with the increasing demand for plant-based food ingredients, catering to consumers who follow vegan lifestyles or prefer plant-based alternatives for health, environmental, or ethical reasons. As such, Gellan Gum and Curdlan Gum are valuable ingredients in the food industry, particularly for developing vegan-friendly products without compromising on texture or stability.

Профессиональный производитель и поставщик геллановой камеди из Китая.

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Профессиональный производитель и поставщик геллановой камеди из Китая.

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