1,What is High Acyl Gellan Gum

Gomme gellane à haute teneur en acyle, a remarkable hydrocolloid, has carved a niche in the food industry for its unique gelling characteristics. Originally discovered in the 1970s from the bacterium Sphingomonas elodea, it has since evolved into a key ingredient in modern food processing. This biopolymer is produced through microbial fermentation, a process harnessing natural phenomena for commercial production.

Its defining feature is the high acyl group content, which imparts distinctive properties compared to its low acyl counterpart. These acyl groups, namely acetate and glycerate, are responsible for the gum’s soft and elastic texture, setting it apart from other gelling agents that typically produce firm and brittle gels.

The versatility of High Acyl Gellan Gum lies in its ability to create varying textures – from soft and elastic to firm and brittle – by simply adjusting its concentration and the ions present in the solution. This adaptability makes it a valuable tool in the arsenal of food technologists.

Its applications span a wide range of products, from enhancing the mouthfeel of dairy products to providing stable gels in confectioneries. The diversity of its usage underscores its importance in the realm of food science and technology.

2,Chemical Composition and Production of High Acyl Gellan Gum

Chemical Structure

What is High Acyl Gellan Gum jpg
What is High Acyl Gellan Gum jpg

High Acyl Gellan Gum’s unique functionality is derived from its complex chemical structure. At its core, it’s a polysaccharide consisting of a repeating unit of four sugar residues – glucose, glucuronic acid, rhamnose, and again glucose. The defining feature of High Acyl Gellan Gum is the presence of acyl substituents – acetate and glycerate groups. The acetate groups are attached to the C-6 position of the first glucose unit, while the glycerate groups are linked to the C-2 position of the third glucose unit in the repeating sequence. These acyl groups are pivotal in imparting the gum’s characteristic soft and elastic texture.

Processus de production

The production of High Acyl Gellan Gum is a fascinating blend of biology and technology. It begins with the cultivation of the bacterium Sphingomonas elodea in a controlled fermentation process. The bacteria synthesize gellan gum as an extracellular polysaccharide. The resulting product is then subjected to a series of purification steps, including precipitation, filtration, and drying. During these steps, the gum is partially deacylated, which means some acyl groups are removed. The extent of deacylation can be controlled to produce varying grades of gellan gum – high acyl and low acyl, each with distinct properties.

Quality Control and Safety

Stringent quality control measures are integral to the production process. These include monitoring the microbial purity, ensuring the absence of harmful contaminants, and verifying the consistency of the product’s chemical and physical properties. High Acyl Gellan Gum is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by food safety authorities, and its production adheres to rigorous food safety standards.

3,Properties and Benefits of High Acyl Gellan Gum

High Acyl Gellan Gum possesses a range of properties that make it a valuable asset in food technology and various other industries. These characteristics not only contribute to its widespread use but also differentiate it from other hydrocolloids.

Key Properties

  1. Gelation Ability: One of the most notable properties of High Acyl Gellan Gum is its ability to form gels. Unlike many other gelling agents, it can produce a wide variety of textures, from firm and brittle to soft and elastic, depending on its concentration and the presence of divalent cations like calcium or magnesium.
  2. Stabilité thermique: This gum exhibits remarkable thermal stability. It can withstand high-temperature processing, like pasteurization and sterilization, without losing its gelling abilities or undergoing significant degradation.
  3. Solubilité: It is soluble in hot water but forms gels as it cools and sets. This property is particularly useful in processes where control over gelation timing is crucial.
  4. Stabilité du pH: High Acyl Gellan Gum is stable over a wide range of pH levels, making it suitable for use in products with varying acidity, from neutral pH dairy products to acidic beverages.
  5. Synergistic Interactions: It can interact synergistically with other substances, like xanthan gum, to modify texture and stability further.

Benefits in Food and Other Industries

  1. Industrie alimentaire: In the food industry, its applications are diverse. In dairy products, it improves texture and stability. In beverages, it prevents the sedimentation of suspended particles. Its use in confectionery results in varying textures from soft chews to hard gels.
  2. Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics: Beyond food, High Acyl Gellan Gum finds applications in pharmaceuticals as a stabilizer in suspensions and emulsions, and in cosmetics for its thickening and stabilizing properties.
  3. Special Diets: Being vegan and gluten-free, it is suitable for a wide range of dietary preferences and restrictions, making it a versatile choice for food manufacturers catering to diverse consumer needs.

Impact environnemental et durabilité

Its production, predominantly through microbial fermentation, is considered environmentally friendly and sustainable. The process requires fewer resources and has a lower carbon footprint compared to traditional gelling agents derived from animals or seaweeds.

4,Applications in the Food Industry

High Acyl Gellan Gum’s unique properties have made it a popular ingredient in various food products. Its ability to modify texture, improve stability, and interact with other ingredients has led to its widespread adoption in the food industry.

Produits laitiers

  1. Yogurts and Desserts: It’s used to create a smooth, creamy texture in yogurts. It prevents syneresis (water separation), ensuring a consistent quality throughout its shelf life. In desserts like puddings and creams, it provides a stable, yet soft gel structure.
  2. Cheese: In cheese products, High Acyl Gellan Gum helps in achieving the desired texture and firmness, particularly in cream cheeses and spreadable cheeses.


  1. Juices and Plant-Based Drinks: It stabilizes pulp and other suspended particles in juices, preventing them from settling. In plant-based drinks, such as almond or soy milk, it maintains homogeneity and improves mouthfeel.
  2. Functional Beverages: In energy drinks and nutritional supplements, it aids in suspending vitamins and minerals, ensuring even distribution throughout the beverage.

Confectionery and Bakery Products

  1. Gummy Candies and Jellies: It’s extensively used in the production of gummy candies and jellies, providing a chewy yet soft texture.
  2. Bakery Fillings and Glazes: It’s used to stabilize bakery fillings and glazes, preventing them from running off or soaking into the baked product.

Processed Foods

  1. Sauces and Dressings: In sauces and dressings, High Acyl Gellan Gum acts as a stabilizer and thickener, enhancing texture and ensuring consistency.
  2. Meat Alternatives: In the rapidly growing sector of plant-based meat alternatives, it helps in forming a meat-like texture, improving the overall sensory experience.

Innovation and Future Trends

The versatility of High Acyl Gellan Gum is continually driving innovation in food formulation. One emerging trend is its use in 3D food printing, where its precise gelling properties enable the creation of complex food structures. Additionally, its compatibility with clean label trends (natural, non-GMO, vegan) makes it a favored choice in developing healthier food products.

4,Comparison with Other Hydrocolloids

In the realm of food science, hydrocolloids are essential for their ability to modify the texture and stability of food products. High Acyl Gellan Gum, while having its unique properties, shares the stage with several other hydrocolloids, each with its distinct characteristics. Understanding the differences and similarities among these substances is crucial for food technologists and manufacturers.


  • Origin: Agar-Agar is a plant-based hydrocolloid derived from red algae.
  • Texture: It forms firm, brittle gels, quite different from the soft, elastic gels of High Acyl Gellan Gum.
  • Melting and Gelling Temperatures: Agar has a higher melting point, which can be a limitation in some applications.


  • Types: There are several types of carrageenan (kappa, iota, lambda), each creating different textures.
  • Dairy Applications: In dairy products, carrageenan is often preferred for its ability to interact with milk proteins, a property less pronounced in High Acyl Gellan Gum.

Locust Bean Gum

  • Synergy with Other Gums: Locust Bean Gum often requires combination with other gums like xanthan to achieve the desired texture, whereas High Acyl Gellan Gum can function effectively on its own.

Gomme xanthane

  • Stabilité: Xanthan gum provides excellent stability under a wide range of temperatures and pH levels, similar to High Acyl Gellan Gum.
  • Viscosity: Xanthan gum primarily increases the viscosity of a solution, without forming a true gel.


  • Fruit-based: Pectin is derived from fruits and is commonly used in jams and jellies.
  • Gelation Dependent on Sugar and Acid: Pectin requires sugar and acid to form gels, unlike High Acyl Gellan Gum, which gels in the presence of ions.

Comparison Summary

  • Polyvalence: High Acyl Gellan Gum is more versatile in gel textures compared to agar-agar and pectin.
  • Stabilité de la température: It offers better thermal stability than most other hydrocolloids.
  • Functional in Low Quantities: It is effective at lower concentrations than carrageenan or locust bean gum, making it a cost-effective option.

Understanding these differences allows food scientists to select the most appropriate hydrocolloid for specific applications, considering factors like desired texture, processing conditions, and cost.

6,Health and Nutritional Aspects of High Acyl Gellan Gum

High Acyl Gellan Gum is not only valued for its functional properties in food and other products but also for its compatibility with various health and dietary considerations. Understanding its impact on health and nutrition is crucial, especially given the increasing consumer awareness and demand for food products that support healthy lifestyles.

Sécurité et statut réglementaire

  • Approval by Authorities: It is recognized as safe by major food safety authorities, including the FDA in the United States and EFSA in Europe.
  • Sans allergènes: It is free from common allergens, making it suitable for people with allergies or intolerances.

Dietary Considerations

  • Vegan and Vegetarian: As a fermentation-derived product, High Acyl Gellan Gum is suitable for vegan and vegetarian diets.
  • Gluten-Free: It is naturally gluten-free, important for individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
  • Faible en calories: It contributes minimal to no calories, beneficial for calorie-controlled diets.

Gut Health and Digestibility

  • Digestibility: While not digestible by the human body, it is not known to adversely affect gut health.
  • Prebiotic Potential: Some studies suggest potential prebiotic effects, although more research is needed in this area.

Impact on Blood Sugar and Cholesterol

  • Blood Sugar Levels: Being a non-digestible carbohydrate, it does not impact blood sugar levels, making it suitable for diabetics.
  • Cholesterol: Preliminary studies indicate it may have cholesterol-lowering effects, but more comprehensive research is necessary to confirm these benefits.

Use in Reduced-Sugar and Low-Fat Products

  • Modification des textures: Its ability to modify texture is particularly valuable in reduced-sugar and low-fat products, where it can compensate for changes in mouthfeel and consistency.

Environmental and Ethical Aspects

  • Durabilité: The microbial fermentation process used in its production is considered environmentally sustainable and ethical, with a lower ecological footprint compared to animal-derived products.

In conclusion, High Acyl Gellan Gum is not only a versatile and efficient hydrocolloid but also aligns well with contemporary health, nutritional, and environmental considerations. This alignment with modern dietary trends and sustainability makes it a preferred ingredient in the formulation of various food products.

7,Regulatory and Market Overview of High Acyl Gellan Gum

The regulatory landscape and market dynamics for High Acyl Gellan Gum provide insight into its global acceptance, usage trends, and future growth potential. This overview examines its regulatory status, market positioning, and the factors driving its demand in various industries.

Statut réglementaire

  1. Global Approval: High Acyl Gellan Gum has been approved for use in food and pharmaceutical products by major regulatory bodies worldwide, including the FDA (U.S.), EFSA (European Union), and FSSAI (India).
  2. Exigences en matière d'étiquetage: Regulations regarding labeling vary by country. In some regions, it must be listed as an additive with its respective E-number (E418).
  3. Usage Limits: Regulatory agencies often specify maximum allowable levels in different food categories, ensuring consumer safety.

Market Dynamics

  1. Demand Drivers: The primary drivers include its versatility as a gelling agent, compatibility with various dietary needs (vegan, gluten-free), and its role in enhancing the sensory qualities of food products.
  2. Growing Health Consciousness: Increasing consumer awareness of health and wellness is boosting the demand for clean-label and natural ingredients, benefiting High Acyl Gellan Gum.
  3. Innovation in Food Technology: Advances in food processing and a push for novel food products are further propelling its usage.

Industry Applications

  1. Food and Beverage Sector: This sector remains the largest consumer, leveraging its textural properties and stability.
  2. Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals: Its use in drug delivery systems and as a stabilizer in formulations is expanding.
  3. Cosmetics and Personal Care: An emerging area, driven by its natural origin and stabilizing properties.

Global Market Trends

  1. Growth Projections: Market research indicates a steady growth trajectory, attributed to expanding applications and global food trends.
  2. Regional Variations: Market penetration varies, with higher usage in regions with advanced food processing industries.
  3. Supply Chain and Sustainability: Sustainable sourcing and production methods are becoming crucial factors influencing its market growth.

Future Outlook

The future of High Acyl Gomme gellane looks promising, driven by its adaptability to various applications and alignment with global trends towards healthier, sustainable food options. Continued innovation in food science and technology is likely to open up new avenues for its application, further solidifying its position in the market.

In summary, High Acyl Gellan Gum’s combination of functional versatility, health alignment, and regulatory approval positions it as a valuable ingredient in a wide range of industries, with a positive outlook for continued growth and innovation.

Producteur et fournisseur professionnel de gomme gellane en Chine.

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Producteur et fournisseur professionnel de gomme gellane en Chine.

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