yes, Gomme Curdlan gel under heating conditions, particularly at around 80°C, are known to be heat irreversible.

curdlan gum gel

Le gel de gomme Curdlan est-il irréversible ? Heat Irreversible ?

This means that once the gel has been formed by heating the Gomme Curdlan solution to this temperature, it will not revert back to its liquid state upon subsequent cooling. The irreversible nature of the gel formation is one of the key characteristics that make Curdlan Gum a valuable additive in various food applications, especially where stability under heat is essential.

This property is particularly beneficial in applications like meat products, plant-based meat alternatives, and other food items that require stability during cooking or baking processes. The heat irreversibility ensures that the texture, consistency, and integrity of the gel remain intact even after the food product is subjected to high temperatures.

Producteur et fournisseur professionnel de gomme gellane en Chine.

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Producteur et fournisseur professionnel de gomme gellane en Chine.

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