Gellan gum, a highly versatile hydrocolloid, has become integral in various industrial applications. Its origin story and production process are as intriguing as its usage. This article focuses on “gellan gum made from” – primarily corn – and delves into the details of its origins and manufacturing process.


Gellan gum’s journey from a bacterial by-product to a widely used food additive is a testament to scientific innovation and biotechnological advancements. The phrase “gellan gum made from” typically refers to its derivation from corn, a renewable and sustainable source, making it a preferred choice in various industries.

The Origins of Gellan Gum

Gellan gum was first discovered in the 1970s by scientists at Kelco, a division of Merck & Co., Inc. The bacterium Sphingomonas elodea, found in lily ponds, was identified as the source of this unique polysaccharide.

Memahami Gellan Gum

Gellan gum is a linear anionic polysaccharide produced by microbial fermentation. It consists of a repeating unit of tetrasaccharides, which includes glucose, glucuronic acid, and rhamnose.

Gellan Gum Made from Corn

The production of gellan gum involves fermenting glucose derived from corn. Corn, a renewable resource, is fermented under controlled conditions to produce this valuable biopolymer. The phrase “gellan gum made from corn” highlights its sustainable and natural origin.

gellan gum made from
corn gellan gum

Proses Produksi

  1. Persiapan Bahan Baku: The process begins with the preparation of a glucose-rich substrate. Cornstarch is hydrolyzed to produce glucose syrup, which serves as the primary carbon source for the fermentation process.
  2. Fermentasi Mikroba: The glucose syrup is then fermented using the bacterium Sphingomonas elodea. During fermentation, gellan gum is produced and secreted into the fermentation broth.
  3. Pemulihan dan Pemurnian: After fermentation, the broth is treated to remove impurities. This involves processes like filtration, precipitation, and drying. The gellan gum is then purified to remove proteins and other residues.
  4. Quality Control and Testing: The final product is subjected to rigorous quality control tests to ensure its purity, quality, and consistency.

Jenis-jenis Gellan Gum

There are two main types of gellan gum:

  1. Getah Gellan Asil Tinggi: This type retains its acyl groups, resulting in softer and more elastic gels.
  2. Getah Gellan Rendah Asil Gellan: In this form, the acyl groups are removed, producing firm, brittle gels.

Aplikasi di Berbagai Industri

Gellan gum made from” corn finds applications in numerous industries due to its versatile properties:

  • Industri Makanan: Used as a gelling agent, stabilizer, and thickener in products like jellies, dairy products, and plant-based alternatives.
  • Obat-obatan: Employed in drug encapsulation and controlled-release formulations.
  • Kosmetik: Utilized for its texture-enhancing properties in personal care products.

Nutritional and Health Aspects

Gellan gum is considered a dietary fiber. It is non-digestible, calorie-free, and does not affect blood sugar levels, making it suitable for diabetic-friendly food products.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

The fact that “gellan gum made from” corn implies a renewable and sustainable production process. Corn, being a widely cultivated crop, provides a sustainable source for glucose, reducing the environmental impact associated with gellan gum production.

Status Peraturan

Gellan gum is approved for use in many countries and has been declared safe by various food safety authorities, including the FDA and EFSA.

Tantangan dalam Produksi

Producing gellan gum involves overcoming challenges like optimizing fermentation conditions, ensuring consistent quality, and maintaining cost-effectiveness.

The Future of Gellan Gum

With the growing demand for natural and sustainable food additives, the market for “gellan gum made from” corn is expected to expand. Innovations in biotechnology could lead to more efficient production methods and wider applications.


Gellan gum’s story is one of innovation and adaptation. From its discovery in a natural pond to its large-scale production using corn, gellan gum represents the convergence of nature and technology. The term “gellan gum made from corn” not only describes its source but also underscores its role as a sustainable and versatile ingredient in modern industry.

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