As consumers become more conscious of the ingredients in their products, one question looms large: What is gellan gum and is it safe? In a world where food additives can be a source of concern, understanding the uses, benefits, and safety considerations of gellan gum is crucial. Let’s delve into this versatile ingredient, exploring its applications, benefits, and the measures taken to ensure its safety.

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Gellan gum has become a staple in various industries, from food to pharmaceuticals, thanks to its unique properties and versatility. In this article, we’ll navigate through the complexities of gellan gum, addressing common questions and shedding light on its safety profile.


Gellan gum, a versatile ingredient found in a variety of products from food to pharmaceuticals, has increasingly captured the attention of both industries and consumers. This article delves into the essence of gellan gum, exploring its uses, benefits, and the safety considerations associated with its consumption.

¿Qué es la goma Gellan?

Definition and Chemical Structure

La goma Gellan es un polisacárido hidrosoluble producido por la bacteria Sphingomonas elodea. Known for its excellent gelling properties, it is used primarily as a thickening and stabilizing agent.

what is gellan gum
what is gellan gum
  • Gellan gum, a polysaccharide offered by Shine Additives, is derived from Sphingomonas elodea bacteria.
  • Comprising repeating units of glucose, rhamnose, and glucuronic acid, gellan gum exhibits a unique molecular structure.
  • This structure enables gellan gum to form stable gels in aqueous solutions, making it a versatile ingredient in various industries.

How Gellan Gum Is Produced

The production of gellan gum involves fermentation of glucose by Sphingomonas elodea. After fermentation, the product undergoes purification processes to enhance its quality and safety for use in various industries.

  1. Fermentation Process:
    • Gellan gum production begins with the fermentation of carbohydrates by Sphingomonas elodea, a bacterium known for its ability to produce exopolysaccharides.
    • Shine Additives utilizes advanced fermentation techniques to optimize the growth of Sphingomonas elodea and enhance gellan gum production.
  2. Isolation and Extraction:
    • After fermentation, the gellan gum-producing bacteria are harvested and separated from the fermentation broth.
    • The gellan gum is then extracted from the bacteria through a series of purification steps, including filtration and precipitation.
  3. Purification Process:
    • Shine Additives employs state-of-the-art purification processes to ensure the quality and purity of gellan gum.
    • These processes involve removing impurities and unwanted components from the gellan gum solution, resulting in a refined product ready for use in various applications.
  4. Drying and Packaging:
    • Once purified, the gellan gum solution undergoes drying to remove excess moisture and convert it into a powdered form.
    • The dried gellan gum powder is then carefully packaged to preserve its quality and freshness, ready to be shipped to customers worldwide.
  5. Quality Control Measures:
    • Throughout the production process, Shine Additives implements rigorous quality control measures to maintain the highest standards of product quality and safety.
    • Quality checks are performed at every stage, from fermentation to packaging, to ensure that only the finest gellan gum products reach the market.
  6. Environmental Considerations:
    • Shine Additives is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility in gellan gum production.
    • Efforts are made to minimize waste and reduce energy consumption, contributing to a more eco-friendly manufacturing process.

How is Gellan Gum Used?

Gellan Gum in the Food Industry

Role in Dairy Products

In dairy products like yogurt and cheese, gellan gum helps maintain stability and uniformity, preventing ingredients from separating during storage.

  1. Stabilization: Shine Additives’ gellan gum plays a crucial role in stabilizing dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, preventing ingredient separation and maintaining consistency throughout shelf life.
  2. Mejora de la textura: By improving the texture and mouthfeel of dairy alternatives, gellan gum ensures a smooth and creamy experience for consumers.
  3. Suspension: In flavored milk and milkshake formulations, gellan gum helps suspend particles evenly, enhancing the overall sensory experience for consumers.
  4. Custom Formulations: Shine Additives offers customized gellan gum solutions tailored to the specific needs of dairy product manufacturers, ensuring optimal performance and quality.

Use in Desserts and Confections

Gellan gum is key in achieving the desired texture in jellies, icings, and other desserts, providing a smooth, consistent product.

  • Mejora de la textura:
    • Shine Additives’ gellan gum is widely utilized in desserts and confections to improve texture and mouthfeel.
    • It helps create smooth, creamy textures in products such as puddings, custards, and ice creams, enhancing the overall sensory experience for consumers.
  • Gel Formation:
    • Gellan gum is an essential ingredient in gel-based desserts like jellies and gummies.
    • Its gelling properties enable the formation of firm, stable gels that hold their shape and texture, adding to the appeal of the final product.
  • Stabilization:
    • In confections such as marshmallows and gummy candies, gellan gum acts as a stabilizer, preventing crystallization and maintaining the desired consistency.
    • This ensures that the confections have a smooth, chewy texture and a longer shelf life, enhancing their appeal to consumers.
  • Custom Formulations:
    • Shine Additives offers a range of gellan gum products specifically designed for use in desserts and confections.
    • These products can be customized to meet the unique requirements of manufacturers, ensuring optimal performance and quality in the final products.

Applications in Plant-based Beverages

For plant-based milks, gellan gum helps suspend particles to mimic the mouthfeel of traditional dairy milks.

  • Mejora de la textura:
    • Shine Additives’ gellan gum is commonly used in plant-based beverages to improve texture and mouthfeel.
    • It helps create a creamy, smooth consistency that mimics traditional dairy milk, enhancing the overall sensory experience for consumers.
  • Particle Suspension:
    • Gellan gum assists in suspending particles such as protein and fat evenly throughout the beverage.
    • This ensures uniform distribution of ingredients, preventing settling and separation, and enhancing the visual appeal of the product.
  • Stabilization:
    • In beverages like nut milks and fruit juices, gellan gum acts as a stabilizer, preventing sedimentation and maintaining product homogeneity.
    • This results in a consistent texture and appearance, improving consumer satisfaction and perception of quality.
  • Custom Formulations:
    • Shine Additives offers specialized gellan gum formulations tailored to the specific requirements of plant-based beverage manufacturers.
    • These formulations are designed to optimize performance and stability, ensuring superior results in the final products.

Non-Food Uses of Gellan Gum

  1. Pharmaceutical Applications:
    • Shine Additives’ gellan gum finds extensive use in the pharmaceutical industry for its versatile properties.
    • Tablet Binding: Gellan gum acts as a binder in tablet formulations, helping to hold the active ingredients together and improve tablet integrity.
    • Suspension Stabilization: In liquid medications, gellan gum serves as a stabilizer, preventing sedimentation and ensuring uniform distribution of particles throughout the suspension.
    • Emulsion Stabilization: Gellan gum is also utilized in the formulation of creams, lotions, and gels, where it acts as an emulsifier, stabilizing oil-in-water emulsions and enhancing product consistency.
  2. Cosmetic Industry Uses:
    • Gellan gum is a popular ingredient in cosmetic and personal care products due to its thickening and gelling properties.
    • Hydration and Moisture Retention: In skincare formulations, gellan gum helps hydrate the skin and improve moisture retention, resulting in smoother, more supple skin.
    • Mejora de la textura: It also contributes to the luxurious texture of creams, serums, and masks, providing a smooth, velvety feel upon application.
    • Film-Forming Properties: Gellan gum forms a protective film on the skin, helping to lock in moisture and protect against environmental stressors.
  3. Agricultural and Industrial Applications:
    • Beyond the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, gellan gum finds applications in agriculture and industrial settings.
    • Seed Coating: Gellan gum is used in seed coatings to enhance germination rates and protect seeds from environmental stressors such as drought and disease.
    • Soil Stabilization: It is also employed in soil stabilization to improve soil structure and prevent erosion, making it an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional soil stabilizers.
    • Air Freshener Gels: Gellan gum is utilized in the formulation of air freshener gels, where it acts as a thickening agent, providing a stable gel matrix that holds fragrance molecules and releases them gradually over time.
  4. Custom Formulations and Research:
    • Shine Additives collaborates with clients across various industries to develop custom gellan gum formulations tailored to their specific needs.
    • Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their requirements and formulate gellan gum solutions that meet their performance, stability, and sustainability goals.
    • Additionally, Shine Additives invests in research and development to explore new applications and potential uses for gellan gum, driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of its capabilities.
Low Acyl Gellan Gum
Goma Gellan de bajo contenido en acilo

Elevate your formulations with Shine Additives’ Low Acyl Gellan Gum! Discover the secret ingredient trusted by leading manufacturers for its versatility and performance. Click here to experience the difference today!

Explore Low Acyl Gellan Gum

Take Your Products to the Next Level with Low Acyl Gellan Gum!

Benefits of Gellan Gum

Beneficios para la salud

Dietary Advantages

As a soluble fiber, gellan gum can aid in digestion and regulate blood sugar levels.

  1. Low Caloric Content:
    • Shine Additives’ gellan gum is a low-calorie ingredient, making it suitable for use in diet-friendly and low-calorie food products.
    • It adds texture and stability to foods without significantly increasing their calorie content, allowing consumers to enjoy satisfying textures without the guilt.
  2. Gluten-Free and Vegan-Friendly:
    • Gellan gum is naturally gluten-free and vegan, making it suitable for individuals with gluten intolerance or those following a vegan lifestyle.
    • It serves as a versatile alternative to traditional thickeners and stabilizers, allowing manufacturers to create inclusive products that cater to a wider range of dietary preferences.
  3. Fiber-Rich:
    • As a soluble fiber, gellan gum contributes to the dietary fiber content of foods and beverages.
    • It promotes digestive health by supporting regular bowel movements and feeding beneficial gut bacteria, contributing to overall well-being and digestive comfort.
  4. Blood Sugar Regulation:
    • Some studies suggest that gellan gum may help regulate blood sugar levels, making it potentially beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those looking to manage their blood sugar levels.
    • By stabilizing blood sugar levels, gellan gum may contribute to better energy management and reduced risk of blood sugar spikes and crashes.

Potential Probiotic Effects

Recent studies suggest that gellan gum could support gut health by acting as a prebiotic, fostering a healthy microbiome.

Technological Advantages

Texture and Consistency Enhancements

Gellan gum’s capacity to improve texture and consistency without altering flavor makes it invaluable in culinary applications.

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Shelf-life Extension

Its stabilizing properties can significantly extend the shelf life of many products, reducing waste and enhancing consumer satisfaction.

Seguridad y reglamentación

Safety Studies and Toxicological Data

Extensive research has shown that gellan gum is safe for consumption, with no significant adverse effects reported at typical usage levels.

Regulatory Approval Status

FDA Approval and Guidelines

The FDA has approved gellan gum as a food additive, classifying it as “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS).

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Insights

Similarly, the EFSA has evaluated gellan gum and found it safe for widespread use in foods and beverages.

Controversies and Public Concerns

Despite its safety profile, some consumers express concerns over artificial additives in foods. Transparency in labeling and education about gellan gum can help alleviate these concerns.

Consumer Insights

Consumer Perception of Gellan Gum

Public perception is generally positive, particularly among those who prioritize clean eating and vegan lifestyles, as gellan gum is plant-based and sustainable.

Label Reading and Gellan Gum Identification

Consumers are encouraged to read labels carefully to understand the role of gellan gum in their food products and its benefits.

Comparisons with Other Gelling Agents

CriteriaGoma GellanAgar AgarCarrageninaGoma xantana
SourceBacterial fermentationSeaweedSeaweedBacterial fermentation
Resistencia del gelAltaModerate to highModerate to highModerate to high
Gel ClaridadClaroClaroCloudyCloudy
Estabilidad térmicaStable across a wide range of temperaturesRequires higher temperatures for gellingSensitive to temperature fluctuationsStable across a wide range of temperatures
CompatibilityCompatible with acidic and calcium-rich environmentsLess compatible with acidic environmentsCompatible with acidic environmentsCompatible with acidic environments
Reversibilidad térmicaIrreversible gelationReversible gelationReversible gelationIrreversible gelation
ApplicationWidely used in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industriesCommonly used in food and microbiological mediaCommonly used in dairy and processed meat productsWidely used in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries
Comparing Gellan Gum with Other Gelling Agents: A Comprehensive Analysis

Discover the versatility of gellan gum with Shine Additives! In this video, we explore the uses, benefits, and safety considerations of gellan gum, providing valuable insights for manufacturers and consumers alike. Click the link to watch now!

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Is gellan gum good or bad for you?

Gellan gum is generally considered safe for consumption. It is approved by regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as a food additive. Gellan gum has been extensively studied for its safety and has not been linked to any adverse health effects when consumed in typical amounts found in foods and beverages.

What is gellan gum made out of?

Gellan gum is produced through microbial fermentation, typically using the bacterium Sphingomonas elodea. During fermentation, the bacteria produce exopolysaccharides, which are then extracted, purified, and processed into gellan gum. The main components of gellan gum are glucose, rhamnose, and glucuronic acid, arranged in a specific molecular structure

Is gellan gum the same as carrageenan?

No, gellan gum and carrageenan are two different types of hydrocolloids with distinct chemical structures and properties. Gellan gum is derived from bacterial fermentation, while carrageenan is extracted from seaweed. While both are used as gelling agents and stabilizers in food products, gellan gum tends to have clearer gels and is more stable over a wide range of temperatures compared to carrageenan

Why is gellan gum in almond milk?

Gellan gum is commonly added to almond milk and other plant-based beverages as a stabilizer and thickening agent. It helps prevent ingredient separation and improves the texture and mouthfeel of the beverage. Additionally, gellan gum can help suspend particles evenly throughout the liquid, ensuring a smooth and consistent product

What are the potential health benefits of gellan gum?

While gellan gum itself does not provide direct health benefits, it may indirectly support gut health by acting as a prebiotic. By nourishing beneficial gut bacteria, gellan gum may contribute to a balanced microbiota and improved digestive function. Additionally, as a soluble fiber, gellan gum may help promote regular bowel movements and support overall gastrointestinal health.

Is gellan gum suitable for vegans and vegetarians?

Yes, gellan gum is suitable for vegans and vegetarians as it is derived from bacterial fermentation and does not contain any animal-derived ingredients. It is commonly used as a plant-based alternative to animal-derived gelling agents such as gelatin. Gellan gum is widely accepted in vegan and vegetarian diets and is commonly found in a variety of plant-based food and beverage products.

what's gellan gum
qué es la goma gellan


Gellan gum is a multifaceted additive that offers numerous benefits across various industries. Its ability to enhance product quality, combined with its safety profile, makes it a valuable ingredient in today’s market.

In conclusion, gellan gum stands as a testament to innovation and sustainability in the food and pharmaceutical industries. With its myriad uses and proven safety record, it’s no wonder why manufacturers trust Shine Additives for their gellan gum needs.

Are you ready to experience the benefits of gellan gum for yourself? Visit Shine Additives today to explore our range of gellan gum products and elevate your formulations to new heights.

Productor y proveedor profesional de goma Gellan de China.

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Productor y proveedor profesional de goma Gellan de China.

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